How Riding An E-Bike Is Different Than Riding A Regular Bike

The world today has innovated so much and improved a whole lot that even traditional transportation devices have changed drastically. The old traditional bikes seemed to have passed on and electric bikes are now in the fad.

Most people choose electric bikes because of convenience and because it takes you faster to where you want to go. However, exercise and body buffs prefer to use the traditional ones for health purposes. While traditional bikes rely solely on human power, modern e-bikes equipped with an electric bike battery 36v provide riders with an extra boost, allowing for easier and faster commutes without completely eliminating the health benefits of cycling.

How Can Riding an e-bike be totally different than a regular bike?

There are so many reasons why riding an electric bike is so different than a regular bike. Some of the reasons are as follows:

  • Weight
  • Form
  • Convenience
  • Health


The weight of an e-bike is different from a regular bike, that is why it is easier to bring the electric bike compared to a normal bike. Considering the fact that it has a machinery that allows itself to start without having to push the pedal, the weight becomes easier to bring and thus, smoother to drive.


The form looks very similar however, since an electric bike is built and inspired by the look and form of a traditional bike, the looks of it are more similar than not. Sometimes, a not so in-depth view of it would get the viewer deceived. An electric bike is formed similarly to a traditional bike and this is meant to be like this in order to live up to the expectations of the electric bike still being a bike.


Just by looking at it, one would know the convenience of an electronic bike versus a regular bike. Considering the fact that the electric bike has a machinery that does not have to be manually pushed through a pedal, such is proof that the electric bike is definitely more convenient to bring than an ordinary traditional bike. No wonder people now would prefer the electric bike than what we used to have.


Though the electric bike is 100% more convenient than the old traditional bike, those considered to be health buff and the like would prefer to use a traditional bike without hesitation. They believe that the traditional bike is and has always been better than the electric bike since aside from being able to take them wherever they go, it would also be very conventional for their health.

Are All E-Bike Batteries The Same?

Have you ever tried riding an e-bike?

The world today has grown into different spaces bringing so much more than one could ever imagine through technology. Amazing how the telephones evolved with those old telephone wires to a touch screen Android phone we have now. This is similarly true to the bikes nowadays. In the past, bikes have been roughly difficult because of the balancing one has to do in order to get it to drive. Once the balance is on, it still will not be a walk in the park considering that you need to toughen up those thighs to get through peddling for hours.

So how do these e-bikes run?

These e-bikes run with e-bikes batteries. These are considered rechargeable batteries that can go on for about 8 to 12 hours depending on the brand and the kind of battery one has for the e-bike.

The kinds of e-bike batteries

Like a motor vehicle, these e-bikes also have different kinds of batteries. Some of these are the following:

  • Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries
  • Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries
  • Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries
  • Lead-Acid Batteries

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Batteries

These batteries are the most common because these are the most cost-effective and the easiest to find. The best thing about these batteries is their high density. This means that their life span are better than other batteries. They also charge faster than the other kinds. The downside is, the cost of this kind of battery is higher compared to the others.

Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries

The nickel-metal hydride is the kind of battery that is durable. It can withstand any weather and can really live up to one’s expectations. It is also cost-efficient too. The downside is, this kind is bulkier and heavier and has higher toxicity.

Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries

This kind of battery is rarely used in e-bike today because among all the kinds, this kind has the highest toxicity. Though it can perform in a wide range of temperatures, it still is not a guarantee that you will not have problems with it. The best part of this kind is among all the kinds, this has the cheapest price.

Lead-Acid Batteries

Lastly, we have the lead-acid kind of battery. This kind is the heaviest and the bulkiest among all the kinds. It is reliable and robust and definitely very easy to recycle. It has long charging times but it will definitely not leave you hanging because its duration without charge can reach up to 16 to 20 hours.

How Popular Have Electric Bikes Become?

The popularity of electric bikes nowadays has reached heights no one could ever imagine. This is mostly because of the change of times today and innovation and improvement of modern technology. The advancements have led an essential change of facade over the years enabling the electric bikes to have gained more opportunities than traditional bikes. The transformation of these traditional bikes did not lose its essence as these e-bikes have actually gotten the inspiration from these old traditional bikes. As electric bikes continue to evolve and gain popularity, the market for accessories for electric bikes has also expanded, offering riders a wide range of options to enhance their e-bike experience while maintaining the essence of traditional cycling.

What changes of the modern world led to its success?

  • Market
  • Changing needs of transportation
  • Environmental concerns
  • Technological advancements


Along with the modern changes of the world, the market and business in reality have also changed. Needs have changed, market size has changed and the demand and supply essentials have also changed big time. These are the factors that have contributed in the change and modification of the traditional bikes.

According to recent stats, the market has expanded deliberately. Five years ago, the market actually had a value of approximately $18 billion. However, in the current studies and research, it is projected to be reaching around $52 billion by 2029. The market has increased grossly that traditional bikes would have to keep up.

Changing needs of transportation

With everything that has happened in the world, change of needs of transportation has been apparent. COVID has also given a different impact and with all the quarantine requirements during COVID, ebike became more sought for. After COVID, the world went back to its fast paced nature and e-bikes even had higher demand. COVID made the world realize how easy things was without any  cars and motorcycles being able to transport from one place to another that easily. E-bikes had become the last resort.

Environmental Concerns

Apart from technology and the modern world, there have been a lot of issues going on about belching and smoke emission. This positions vehicles that are operated by gasoline in a bad light. Because of the convenience of e-bikes, these have come into play in a better light. Apart from this, there has also been a world wide discussion as to how friendly these bikes are to the environment.

Technological advancements

More so, the changes of technology today has contributed so much to how traditional bikes work. Because of how modern, forward and advanced the world is today, the standard nature of things had to keep up. One of the ways to keep up is the transformation of these bikes to fit the current needs of the world. It cannot stay its traditional way as it has to keep up and cater the needs of the modern world.

How To Choose The Right E-Bike Conversion Kit

What are e-bike conversion kits?

This is a kind of kit for electric bikes that would allow the transformation of a traditional bike to an electric bike. Such allows cyclists to have more convenience and smooth sailing ride as the kit adds more electric assistance to their existing bikes basically enabling their bike to be an electric bike and providing benefits of an electric bike without actually having to purchase one.

Before deciding to endeavor the transformation of one’s bike to an electric bike, being able to look into considerations is essential. Choosing the perfect and correct conversion kit for your bike is important in order to ensure the compatibility of the kits to your bike.

Not being able to meet the correct compatibility would not allow your back to have a satisfactory performance, instead, it would only frustrate the abilities of your bike.

Before deciding to convert, you need to be able to take note of some considerations such as the below:

  • Your riding needs
  • Compatibility
  • Type of motor
  • Motor power
  • Battery
  • Budget
  • Safety considerations

Your riding needs

Before resorting to e-bike conversion kits, one has to make sure that considering one’s needs has been contemplated. It is important to know and understand what your riding needs are. Whether your needs would be about leisure or commute. This is simply because your conversion kits would be based on how you would use your bike for. If you end up using your bike daily for commuting and the kit is set up for leisure, you can imagine how your motor would look at the end of the month. If you also use your bike for leisure like a quick stroll in the park, and you set it up for a conversion sufficient for off road experience, then you would have to shell out expenses not necessary.


It is essential that you look into your bike compatibility as well before deciding to convert, You need to be able to consider the bike type, frame and even the wheel size, Apart from the usual, it is also important to look into the compatibility of the brakes as this would allow you if you need to tighten it more and make loose a little bit depending on the usage.


Knowing the  type of motor you need is also necessary. There are two kinds of motors, the hub motor and the mid-drive motor. It is essential to know which motor works best for you in order to have a better balance and efficiency. The power of the bike depends on the motor and choosing the right one can help you as a biker, to ride smoothly and safely.

Is It Cheaper To Buy E-Bike Parts Online Or At A Bike Shop?

Electric bikes have been a fad since it started to be in the market. You could not deny it, it is more convenient and easier to ride on compared to the usual traditional bikes. Due to the demand, a lot of online shops sprouted selling electric bikes and e-bike parts online. As the popularity of electric bikes continues to grow, online shops have expanded their offerings to include not only complete e-bikes but also essential components such as e bike batteries, catering to the increasing demand for both new purchases and replacements.

What electric bike parts are usually needed?

When you ride a bike, you need to know the basics of it such as the parts and not just accessories of the bike. This is important in order to ensure that you get to know your bike better and be able to give it better maintenance.

Here are the electric bike parts

  • Battery
  • Motor
  • Display
  • Throttle
  • Controller
  • Pedal
  • Brake
  • Tires
  • suspension


This gives life to your electric bike. The batteries enable your bike to start and your motor to pursue. Without a good and reliable battery, you bike that might have the best motor, but it will not get you anywhere.


This works hand in hand with the battery. A very good and reliable motor does not only ensure you have the best riding experience but also the safest one. A good motor will not leave you on the road peddling. A good motor makes you experience and encounter that you deserve.


Some of the electric bikes nowadays have the best display. This enables the rider to have interactive LCD screens to show them front rear real time videos for better visibility.


The throttles are usually used for pedal-assist electric bikes. A thumb throttle and a twist throttle are the throttles available that most of the bikers could take advantage of.


The task of the controller focuses on output, speed and assistance levels. This actually manages power delivery from the battery and then this goes directly communicated to the motor. Bikers should understand the importance of the controller as a busted controller will not allow you the correct speed and even turns.

Because of the various demands of e-bike parts, there have been online stores opening for such certain demand at a discounted price. The various electric parts sold online are even more cost efficient compared to the part you see in stores. A lot of online sellers have also endeavored selling on social media platforms with a more friendly price than the usual kiosks you see in the malls. No doubt that these online stores actually have better sales than the usual physical stores.

The Most Popular E-Bike Accessories

Being in love with biking would not be complete without the best e-bike accessories. So what are the best e-bike accessories? As long as you are equipped and you are ready, your experience and adventure in biking would surely reach to places as it gets enhanced, improved and innovated. The accessories of electric bikes are definitely not different from those of the traditional bikes. You would still need the same thing:

  • a helmet
  • reflectors
  • Lights
  • Mirrors
  • Saddle
  • seat posts
  • and even phone mounts if necessary.

You have to be fully equipped for an enjoyable and safe ride with the group.

Equipping your e-bike with the right accessories can enhance your riding experience, improve safety, and increase convenience. Here are some of the most popular e-bike accessories:


The most important accessory that you might want to invest in, would be your helmet. You want to make sure you are safe on the road and you are safe wherever your bike takes you, that is why investing in a good helmet is probably the best-est idea one could ever have. You would not know what would surprise you on the road and being able to protect your head at all times can definitely save you from any life-threatening danger.

Most of the bikers, just like those who ride motorcycles, opt to have the best and the most reliable safety gears most especially the helmet. Thus, investing in a good and durable helmet is a must and though it could be a bit pricey. There are also helmets that are MIPS-equipped, these helmets are made intentionally for an added brain protection.


Your night ride will not be the same without bright and safety lights. Always keep in mind to not take the road for granted and ensure you have the brightest light on the road. There have been a lot of accidents for lack of equipment and usually the bike lights are those that are passed upon and not taken seriously. It is very important for front and rear rights to be available for visibility in low lighting conditions that is why investing in good lights is also a must. The most popular picks for lights are LED lights, rechargeable lights or integrated lighting systems.


Riding both at night and day is always dangerous especially when you are not fully equipped. One equipment that usually bikers forget about is the reflective gear. It is too underrated for some of the bikers that they tend to take it for granted and not take notice of it. The most popular reflective gears that bikers tend to use are vests, bands and stickers. This actually enhances visibility for more safety.


Just like cars, it is essential that electric bikes have side mirrors. It is important that these mirrors are placed on the handlebars or are helmet mounted in order to actually have a better visibility on the road whether in front of you or behind you.

Pros And Cons Of Fat-Tire E-Bikes

What are fat-tire e-bikes?

These are bikes that are usually known for tires that are really wide. The tires of these electric bikes would typically be 2.8 inches wide or even wider. The reason why most people choose these fat tire electric bikes is because these bikes actually offer a better and unique riding experience. The wide tires and unique riding experience of fat-tire e-bikes are complemented by a powerful ebike battery, ensuring extended range and performance on various terrains.

Fat tire electric bikes

Just like a normal bike, it also has its pros and consequences. There are a lot to say about its benefits and advantages and here are a few that would enhance the rider’s experience:

  • Versatility
  • Convenience
  • Aesthetics
  • Grip
  • Durability


These fat-tire e-bikes actually have very good traction. It does not matter really as to the kind of surface the bike would be on, it will last long and could withstand the texture. That being the truth, off road adventures would be a good fit for these bikes.


These bikes have amazing shock absorption. The tires itself actually contains a large volume of air that is different from the other kinds of bike and due to how it is devised, the shape and way it is made makes it a natural shock absorber for the tires of the bike. This would not only give convenience to the rider but also comfort at its finest.


The grips of these bikes are made superior to standard tires. This would mean that surfaces that standard tires might struggle is something that a fat tire bike could withstand.


The fat tire electric bike is also durable. Whatever the weather is, you can assume it is going to be an all-around performance.


Apart from how awesome the technicality of this kind of bike is, one of the reasons why people choose the fat tire electric bikes is because of how visually appealing they are. This kind actually surpasses the other traditional bikes as these bikes would seem more professional than the traditional ones. Most of the bikers would opt for this kind not only for convenience, but also because of how it would look good on them.

Consequences of this kind of bike

OF course, there would also be a couple of consequences that would come along this bike. The world is not perfect and so is this. Below are some of the disadvantages of fat tire electric bikes:

  • Portability
  • Speed
  • Cost
  • Pressure management